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Great care is taken when planning your group's retreat: we go beyond typical "talks" and "presentations" to get to the core of our Faith and the teachings of the Church through discussion and active learning.  We don't believe retreats are for another lecture or class; instead, they are a time for us to get to a "quiet place" and listen -- really listen -- to what God has to speak into our lives (personal reflection time and scriptural examination are not to be forgotten).

Sacramental life, discipleship and prayer are stressed and receive a lot of attention.  And, of course, we're dealing with young people...their concerns, their temptations, their joys and their every retreat is aimed at getting the message to them by any means necessary -- and that includes having some fun!

Whether it's an afternoon, overnight or a full-blown weekend -- any opportunity for a teen to retreat is a blessing!

Below is a list of some of our more popular retreat themes.  We can share one of these with your group or design one to fit a theme of your choice.  Contact us to see how we can bring one of these great retreats to your group!


Here are some of our most requested retreats. Want something different?  No problem! 
Contact us to create a customized program suited to your group's needs.

Who Do You Say That I Am?                    
This question of Jesus to His apostles is one that He asks us every day. How do we answer? God is constantly calling us closer to Him - so what is our response? This retreat will focus on our relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the special ways He reveals Himself to us in each Person of the Trinity.
*Recommended for Confirmation Prep! 
Gifted in the Spirit                                
At our Baptism, God graced each of us with the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Reverence, Wonder and Awe, Right Judgment and Courage. How have we used these Gifts? As baptized Christians we are all called to share in the work of Christ - and the Holy Spirit gives us all of the tools! We will spend this retreat examining these Gifts God has given to us and how we are called to use them. 
*Recommended for Confirmation Prep!
Prophets, Arise!
Scripture is filled with stories of ordinary people who were called by God to share His extraordinary message. These were the Prophets.and they're not just for the Bible anymore! God has set the task for his followers today to be prophets for the world. What is a prophet? What do they do? And why does God expect me to be one? On this retreat we will look at the lives of some of these scriptural prophets and reflect on how we will respond when God calls us to the job.
*Great for Teachers & Core Teams!
The questions often plague us: What will I do when I graduate? What kind of career will I have? What kind of life will I lead? Will I be married, have children? .and on and on and on. Young people have so many questions and expectations, and we all know that as we get older they only increase in number. This retreat offers a time to reflect on the most important question: what does God want for my life and can I accept that my life is an unfinished work in progress?
*Wonderful for HS Seniors!
Glorious are Your Works!
"In the beginning...." Sometimes we can get so busy with schedules, meetings, jobs and a million other things that we forget that God has created an entire universe out there and that we are part of a much bigger picture! Since the beginning of time God has revealed Himself to us through his Works: from the smallest grain of sand to the greatest galaxy to you and me! Take time on this retreat to reflect on the glories of God's Creation and recall that "God looked at everything He had made, and He found it very good."
*Great for all age groups!
Thy Kingdom Come!
"This is how you are to pray...."  The Church has been called to be a shining beacon of hope and love for the world - and the Christian heart is the starting point! Jesus provided the example, both in prayer and in action, of how to take the Gospel to the world. Come and see how God has especially called each one of us to participate in the work of the Kingdom, at home and in the world. A powerful retreat based on the Lord's Prayer designed to renew the heart and recharge your faith. You don't want to miss this!  
*Great for all age groups!

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